차량통신 하드웨어 엔지니어
2024. 03. 18 ~ 04. 16
벡터코리아는 업계 최고의 기술력을 가진, 독일에 본사를 둔 글로벌 기업으로,
수평적이고 자율성이 높은 조직문화에서 해당 분야의 전문가로
성장할 수 있는 포지션입니다. 많은 지원 바랍니다!
차량통신 하드웨어 엔지니어 #경력 #0명
Vector is world market leader in developing and providing software for automotive ECUs
(Electronic Control Units) and a major supplier of tools for the development process of
automotive electronic systems. We provide customer-specific software components
as well as tailor-made trainings and consulting services.

Vehicle Network E/E Engineer (차량통신 하드웨어 엔지니어)
ㆍVT System support and VT System HiL design
ㆍSmart Charging Communication business development
ㆍProactively initiate customer contact on a regular basis to develop positive,
    long-term, business relationships
ㆍProvide technical support and consult our customers regarding software products
    in assigned department
ㆍPrepare and perform customer training sessions
ㆍHandle second level support requests initiated by customers
ㆍConduct demonstrations and customer workshops to promote Vector tools
    within customer organizations
ㆍTeamwork in our department for Network & Hardware Test Tools
스킬 ㆍ영어, CAN, CANoe, 운전면허
핵심역량 성실성, 꼼꼼함, 계획성
ㆍ학력 : 대졸이상
ㆍ경력 : 3 ~ 7년
ㆍUniversity degree in electrical/electronic engineering or related technical field
ㆍ3+ years of experience in hardware development or
    HIL(Hardware-In-the-Loop) System test area System test area
ㆍExperience of automotive ECU development with Vector tools
    (ex. VTSystem, CANoe, CANalyzer, vTESTstudio, etc.)
ㆍExperience of vehicle network test (ex. CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet, etc.)
ㆍDevelopment experience of vehicle dynamics tools is a plus
    (ex. DYNA4, veDYNA, CarMaker, CarSim, etc.)
ㆍStrong communication skills including verbal and listening skills
ㆍStrong persuasion and facilitation skills to be effective with different personnel levels and
    functions both at the customer and internally
ㆍAbility to work in a team environment with a sense of urgency to meet and
    exceed customer expectations
ㆍKorean native speaker, good English skills
ㆍDriver’s License and more than 1 year of driving experience

※ please attach all relevant qualification certificates and testimonials available together
    with your CV and Cover Letter.

[What we offer]
ㆍChallenging tasks and opportunities to develop your career in an innovative environment
ㆍModern working environment, flat hierarchy and open-minded teams
ㆍStability and reliability of a successful international group of companies
ㆍIndependent and economically healthy company
ㆍMentoring programs to support quick job start
ㆍ고용 형태 : 정규직
ㆍ근무 지역 : 서울특별시 용산구 한강대로 69 용산 푸르지오써밋 업무동 9층
ㆍ근무 요일/시간 : 주5일(월~금)
ㆍ독립적이고 경제적으로 탄탄한 회사
ㆍ정기적 전사회의를 통한 정보 공유
ㆍ조기적응을 위한 멘토링제도
ㆍ워라밸을 중요시하는 수평적 조직문화
ㆍ신뢰 기반의 직원 참여를 격려하는 조직문화
ㆍ매년 경영성과급 지급
ㆍ필요한 모든 교육 수강 가능
  (10am - 4pm코어타임)
ㆍ원격근무 (주2회)
ㆍ체력단련비 및 동아리활동 지원
ㆍ다양한 소셜 이벤트
ㆍ연간 20일 유급휴가
ㆍ매년 임직원 및 가족 건강검진 지원
서류전형 → 1차면접 → 2차면접 → 최종합격
※ 면접일정은 추후 통보됩니다.
접수기간 및 방법
ㆍ접수기간 : 채용시 마감
ㆍ접수방법 : 사람인 온라인 입사지원
ㆍ허위사실이 발견될 경우 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.
커리어 매칭 플랫폼