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관심기업 33% 증가! 인기 많은 기업을 놓치지 말아요
조회기간 2024.06.26 ~ 2024.07.25

본 정보는 사람인 빅데이터를 분석한 결과이며,
실제 정보와는 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다.

  • 조회수
  • 관심기업
    33% 4
  • 기업 키워드 검색 횟수
    9% 12
  • 엔티티코리아 계열사
  • 역세권 기업
  • 나의 커리어 첫 시작
  • 100억매출★중소기업

한눈에 보는 우리 회사, 미리 확인해 보세요!

  • #서울
  • #역세권
  • #여의도역
  • #서울지하철9호선 9
  • #서울지하철5호선 5
  • 영상
  • 업력 26년차

    1999년 9월 27일 설립

  • 기업형태: 중소기업, 외국 법인기업, 주식회사, 외부감사법인


  • 14 명
    출처: 국민연금


  • 129억 5,727만원


통신 재판매업



서울 영등포구 국제금융로 10, 28층

Together, Connected!

NTT Ltd. is a global technology services provider dedicated to helping our people, clients, and communities do great things with technology
to create a more secure and connected future.
Our people are not only diverse and inspiring, but also experts at what they do and committed to partnering with our clients. As a global technology services provider, we employ 40,000 people worldwide and deliver services in over 200 countries and regions around the world.
We partner with organizations globally to shape and achieve outcomes through intelligent technology solutions, and shift your tomorrow through intelligent innovation.
We are a company that adapt faster to new and emerging technology and disruptive business models, by executing across full technology stack rather than in silos to accelerate transformation.
We have an open-innovation framework to harness the collective effort of internal and external innovators and innovations that helps our clients execute and achieve business outcomes and deliver values faster.
By combining our capabilities and strength, Together, we enable the connected future.


NTT Ltd. is a global technology services provider dedicated to helping our people, clients, and communities do great things with technology
to create a more secure and connected future.
Our people are not only diverse and inspiring, but also experts at what they do and committed to partnering with our clients. As a global technology services provider, we employ 40,000 people worldwide and deliver services in over 200 countries and regions around the world.
We partner with organizations globally to shape and achieve outcomes through intelligent technology solutions, and shift your tomorrow through intelligent innovation.
We are a company that adapt faster to new and emerging technology and disruptive business models, by executing across full technology stack rather than in silos to accelerate transformation.
We have an open-innovation framework to harness the collective effort of internal and external innovators and innovations that helps our clients execute and achieve business outcomes and deliver values faster.
By combining our capabilities and strength, Together, we enable the connected future.

NICE 평가정보 출처 : 설립일, 기업형태, 매출액, 업종, 대표자명, 사업내용, 주소
국민연금 출처 : 사원수
기업 직접입력 : 홈페이지, 기업 한줄소개, 기업소개, 기업비전

우리는 단단하게 성장하고 있어요

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  • 1999
    • 09월

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      -종업원수 32명인 [중소기업]으로서,기업형태는 [외감](으)로 분류되고 있습니다.

    • 09월

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      동사는 계열순위 3184위인 [엔티티코리아]계열 소속기업으로서,금융업을 제외한 총 2개의 소속업체 중 총자산 기준 1위의 업체입니다.

    • 09월

      -[서울 영등포구 국제금융로 10,28층]에 본사를 두고 있습니다.

출처 : NICE평가정보

인원 규모를 파악해 보세요!

전체 사원수 14
  • 전체인원
  • 입사자
  • 퇴사자
연봉정보 바로가기 출처 : 국민연금
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