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각 부문 경력/신입 채용

핵심 정보

고교졸업 이상 부문별 상이
정규직, 계약직
면접 후 결정
면접 후 결정
서울 영등포구, 경기 화성시, 부산전체, 전북 전주시
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다. 본 채용정보는 2024년 1월 1일 부터는  2024년 최저임금을 준수 합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

알보젠코리아(주)에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


1. Sales Planning
- Creates a plan to achieve objectives through sales and servicing of multiple
  physicians and healthcare professional accounts in a prescribed territory.
- Reviews and analyzes customer orders and product sales and establishes an
  improvement plan for those that are not on target.
- Achieve the territory sales target goal throughout taking action aligned with
  company policy and DSO’s sales strategy and tactics.

2. Customer Management
- Schedules the appointments and makes preplanned sales presentations
  to customers.
- Initiates contact and schedules appointments with potential new customers.
- Makes regular visits to customer locations together information on orders and
  market conditions.
- Identifies customer needs and recommends new products to address them.
- Conducts competitive research to aid in the development of customer and
  product focused presentation packages for sales.
- Follows up with customers to resolve any issues and ensure satisfaction
- Actively attends and engages in meetings and conference calls as required.
- Utilize CRM programs for efficient call resource investment and ensure optimal
  resource utilization.

3. Regular Reports
- Make out all reports related with business action immediately and accurately
  and report to DSM.
- Establish the promotion plans by period and accounts and take action.
  Present the result of plans in DSO meeting.
- When outbreak of difficulties in the account, report to relevant department
  and do his/her best to resolve the problems
1. 경력년수 : 종합병원 3년 이상 선호.
2. 경력 : CV(순환기),ENDO(내분비),URO(비뇨의과),NEPHRO(신장내과)
   업무 경험자 선호.
3. 담당 지역 : ①강원(춘천), 서울동부 혹은 ②서울
계약형태 ㆍ정규직
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 서울 Office
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능

1. Sales Planning
- Creates a plan to achieve objectives through sales and servicing of multiple
  physicians and healthcare professional accounts in a prescribed territory.
- Reviews and analyzes customer orders and product sales and establishes an
  improvement plan for those that are not on target.
- Achieve the territory sales target goal throughout taking action aligned with
  company policy and DSO’s sales strategy and tactics.

2. Customer Management
- Schedules the appointments and makes preplanned sales presentations to
- Initiates contact and schedules appointments with potential new customers.
- Makes regular visits to customer locations together information on orders
  and market conditions.
- Identifies customer needs and recommends new products to address them.
- Conducts competitive research to aid in the development of customer and
  product focused presentation packages for sales.
- Follows up with customers to resolve any issues and ensure satisfaction
- Actively attends and engages in meetings and conference calls as required.
- Utilize CRM programs for efficient call resource investment and ensure optimal
  resource utilization.

3. Regular Reports
- Make out all reports related with business action immediately and accurately
  and report to DSM.
- Establish the promotion plans by period and accounts and take action.
  Present the result of plans in DSO meeting.
- When outbreak of difficulties in the account, report to relevant department
  and do his/her best to resolve the problems

1. 경력년수 : 5년이상~10년 이내 선호
2. 경력 : CV(순환기),ENDO(내분비),URO(비뇨의과),NEPHRO(신장내과)
   업무 경험자 선호.
3. 전북대병원,예수병원,원광대병원 유 경험자 선호.
4. 담당지역 : 전북 지역
계약형태 ㆍ정규직
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 전주Office
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
Oncology MR

1. Visit dealers and growers to execute sales based on sales SOP to
   accomplish yearly branch sales target
2. Manage sales and bill collection to achieve branch profit target
3. Monitor competitors’ activities and market situation f or development of
   branch sales strategies which meet local customer needs
4. Deliver scientific information on the product including therapeutic indication,
   disease states and latest clinical data
5. Go on with subsidy business to promote sales volume
6. Set target and implement push activities with branch field marketing for the
   purpose of new market and new products to reflect the specific local needs
   and situations
7. Support company hosted medical events (symposium, round table meeting,
   booth exhibition, etc.) to help customers get the product related medical
8. Comply with pharmaceutical regulations and Pharmaceutical ethical business


1. Bachelor’s Degree or above.
   Majoring in Pharmacology, Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Biotechnology
   field preferred
2. Prior pharmaceutical sales experience strongly preferred
3. Must be able to demonstrate deep understanding of the customer to drive,
   challenge and push thinking.
4. Excellent interpersonal, communication, negotiation skills; team oriented
   conceptual/consultative sales skills
5. 3 or more years of experience is preferred

계약형태 ㆍ정규직
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 부산 Office
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
Marketing PM (Oncology 분야)
[주요 업무]
- Oncology 질환 영역의 시장 조사 및 분석
- 시장 조사 및 분석을 바탕으로 한 목표 및 전략 수립 (년/분기/월 단위 전략수립)
- 전략을 바탕으로한 promotion 활동 및 효과적인 마케팅 프로그램 개발 및 수행
- Process 관리 (실적, 예산, 고객, 재고관리)

[관련 사항]
- 각 치료 영역(및 핵심 제품)의 제품과 연관된 지식을 습득
- 치료 영역별 핵심제품의 사업계획 수립: 시장 / 경쟁사 / 고객분석, SWOT분석,
  세분화 / 타겟팅 / 포지셔닝, 핵심메시지 개발, 목표, 마케팅 전략
- 지속적인 성장을 위한 창의적인 마케팅 프로그램을 시행하고 그 결과를
  확인 및 공유
- 과학적 지식 향상을 위한 정기적인 영업 사원 교육 시행: 제품 정보 및
  주요 메시지, 임상 시험, 시장 및 경쟁업체 동향 등
- 효과적인 마케팅 활동 위한 영업 팀과의 협업
- 영업팀과의 주요 KOL관리
- 마케팅예산관리
- 고객요청 및 불만사항 관리 : MR 및 관련부서(예: 제품정보, NHI 가이드라인,
  품질, 계약 등)의 협조를 통한 효과적인 관리
- 질환 군별 기간별 매출전망 및 매출분석 보고
- 행동강령(CP규정)을 준수
- 경력: 마케팅 경력 2년 이상(항암마케팅 선호)
- 학력 : 대학교졸(학사) 이상
- 전공 : 생물학, 약학 관련 선호
계약형태 ㆍ정규직
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 여의도 본사
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
1. Sales Planning
- Creates a plan to achieve objectives through sales and servicing of multiple
  physicians and healthcare professional accounts in a prescribed territory.
- Reviews and analyzes customer orders and product sales and establishes an
- improvement plan for those that are not on target.
- Achieve the territory sales target goal throughout taking action aligned with
  company policy and DSO’s sales strategy and tactics.

2. Customer Management
- Schedules the appointments and makes preplanned sales presentations to
- Initiates contact and schedules appointments with potential new customers.
- Makes regular visits to customer locations together information on orders
  and market conditions.
- Identifies customer needs and recommends new products to address them.
- Conducts competitive research to aid in the development of customer and
  product focused presentation packages for sales.
- Follows up with customers to resolve any issues and ensure satisfaction
- Actively attends and engages in meetings and conference calls as required.
- Utilize CRM programs for efficient call resource investment and ensure optimal
  resource utilization.

3. Regular Reports
- Make out all reports related with business action immediately and accurately
  and report to DSM.
- Establish the promotion plans by period and accounts and take action.
  Present the result of plans in DSO meeting.
- When outbreak of difficulties in the account, report to relevant department
  and do his/her best to resolve the problems

1. Bachelor’s Degree or above preferred.
   Majoring in Pharmacology, Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Biotechnology
   field preferred
2. More than 3 years of experience in sales preferred.
3. Prior CNS pharmaceutical sales experience(Psychiatric or/and Neurologic area)
   strongly preferred.

계약형태 ㆍ정규직
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 부산 Office
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
Quality Control 품질관리
ㆍProcess Validation, Method validation and Cleaning validation 공정 밸리데이션,
  시험방법 밸리데이션 및 세척 밸리데이션
ㆍStability and bulk stability test 안정성 시험
ㆍFinished product and Raw material test 제품 및 원료 시험
ㆍAnalytical equipment management 분석 기기 관리
ㆍWorking/Reference standard and reagent management 표준품 및 시약 관리
ㆍPerson who have hands on experience of chemical analysis,
   scientific knowledge, analytical thinking and problem-solving skills are preferred.
ㆍApplicants with MS-Office skills, analytical skills, chemistry & GMP knowledge
   and the ability to use analytical instruments are preferred
ㆍMore than 2 years-experience in Pharmaceutical/Cosmetic industry or
   Chemical Labs preferred.
ㆍGraduated from junior college or higher and majored in pharmacy, chemistry,
   biology or similar field preferred.
계약형태 ㆍ계약직 (1년 계약직)
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 향남 PLANT
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
Pharmacist 품질관리 약사
1. Person who have hands on experience of chemical analysis, scientific
   knowledge, analytical thinking and problem-solving skills are preferred.
2. Has an experience/knowledge about local regulatory requirement are
   preferred. (CTD/MA variation document, Comparative dissolution, Stability, etc)
3. Back-up for the finished product release
4. Quality Control Testing, documentation etc.
- 경력 : 신입 가능
- 학력 : 대학교졸(학사)이상
- 전공 : 약학관련 선호
- 자격증 : 약사 자격증 보유 선호
계약형태 ㆍ정규직
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 향남 PLANT
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
RA Specialist

1. Review dossier and check feasibility to get MA and/or DMF for drug products
   and drug substances and proceed application.
   완제의약품 허가 또는 원료의약품 DMF등록자료 검토 및 적합성 조사,
   신청 진행.
2. Proceed pre-review application (specification & test method and/or safety &
   efficacy) to confirm feasibility.
   사전검토 민원(기준및시험방법 그리고/또는 안전성유효성) 진행하여
   식약처로부터 적합성 확인.
3. Setting-up regulatory strategy through dossier review regarding new project.
   도입 및 개발 제품 검토를 통한 지원 및 허가전략 수립.
4. Conduct IND submissions and hand it according to project plan in timely
   신규 제품 계획에 따른 임상시험계획서 제출 및 승인일정 수립.
5. Communication with MFDS and suppliers to prepare queries and deficiencies
   (S&T, S&E and GMP).
   식약처 또는 관련 회사로부터 문의 그리고/또는 요청자료에 대한
6. Time-line checking of launch preparation: artwork, registration for ID code,
   pricing and barcode etc.
   신규제품 발매 준비상황 확인 : 제품 자재 디자인, 낱알식별코드 등록, 약가,
   바코드 등록 등.
7. Perform to proceed MA variation according to change control from QA
   or toll manufacturer.
   품질관리팀 또는 수탁사로부터 변경관리 자료 접수 후 허가변경 진행
8. Proceed MA renewal based on MA expiry date and re-evaluation of products
   품목허가 유효기간에 따라, 전체 허가/신고 품목 품목갱신 및 품목 재평가
   업무 진행.
9. Timely updating of internal database
   내부 데이터베이스 업데이트
10. Check and follow up pharmaceutical regulations and MFDS notification
    의약품 관련 규정 및 식약처 공지/지침 공유 확인 후 영향평가.
11. Maintain original MA Certificate and prepare English PI (Product Information)
     허가증 관리 및 영문 제품 설명서 준비


1. An advanced degree is required in chemistry, biology, biochemistry or
   pharmacy (preferred).
   화학, 생물학. 생화학 등의 화학관련 전공자 또는 약학 전공자(우대).
2. A fluent in English, both speaking and writing preferred.
3. 5 or more years of pharmaceutical experience is preferred.
   5년 이상 허가업무 경력 우대
4. Good ability in searching and interpreting medical literature.
   의학논문 검색 및 독해 능력

계약형태 ㆍ정규직
채용인원 ㆍ1명
근무지 여의도 본사
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
Supplier Relationship Manager

- Act as primarily point of contact for suppliers and manage effective governance
  around same.
- Lead overall procurement process from the initial requisition, to selecting
  vendors, to negotiations, to invoice payment.
- Analyze procurement objectives and needs, researching the market, analysing
  the cost structure of the vendors’ bids.
- Understand needs and wants of stakeholders and perform benchmarking &
  comparative market analysis.
- Manage RFQ process & solicitation of bids and determine acceptable price
  ranges. Negotiate with suppliers for right price & defined service level.
- Monitor and ensure successful delivery against supplier contractual obligations.
- Enhances supplier relationships by developing and continually improving upon
  post-award supplier processes.
- Lead projects to turn supplier performance initiatives into repeatable and
  effective processes.
- Drives supplier scorecards and ongoing supplier performance improvement
  alongwith cross functional team.
- Establish preferred supplier lists for each Category of spend and manage
  compliance to the preferred supplier list
- Proactively connects teams, networks and individuals in order to increase
  organizational performance.
- Maintain pricing & term sheets for each product and supplier and keep all
  stake holders informed about changes.
- Support new product launches for on time launches by understanding
  organization requirement and ensuring complete support from 3rd party supplier.
- Develop and implement supplier segmentation and strategic planning framework.
- Partner with relevant stakeholders on negotiations for all managed supplier
- Other duties as required


[Qualification & desired skills]
- Hold a university degree in Engineering or Batchelors degree in Pharmacy/
  Science with experience of minimum 8-10 years in pharmaceutical, Biotech or
  Chemical industry preferred
- Strong communication skills in English & local language with ability to collaborate
  and influence across levels with internal and external partners, including senior
  executives on both sides
- Candidates should have experience in managing 3rd party finished dosage
- Must have strong regulatory knowledge & practices followed in global & APAC
- Experience in Procurement, Sourcing, Supply chain or designing, maintaining,
  and developing SRM governance of 3rd party finished dosage suppliers.
- Negotiating skills a must.
- Ability to work both independently and as part of a team. Be a team player with
  the ability to listen, learn and share.
- Strong analytic mind-set with the ability to convert numbers into precise and
  concrete key-messages.
- Result orientated with demonstrated ability to independently achieve goals.
- Demonstrated integrity, independent thinking, judgment, and respect for others.

[Critical Competences]
- Sourcing/ Procurement / Contracting
- Good communicating ( verbal & written ) skills in English & local languages.
- Strong negotiator
- Project Management
- Data analytical skills
- Market intelligence

계약형태 ㆍ정규직
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 향남 PLANT
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
OTC Product Manager

- Core position to develop strategies, brand plans and tactics for OTC products,
  by cross functionally working with internal stakeholders as well as external
  agencies to ensure a consistent implementation
- Understanding well the market dynamics to successfully implement marketing
  tactics & activities
- Maximize the product potential in accordance with Alvogen’s OTC & Consumer
  Healthcare portfolio strategy to successfully achieve the revenue and profit
- Identifies business opportunities and develops new business cases
  1. Develop brand strategies that supports the overall attainment of brand goals
  2. Develop and prepare tactical deliverables in line with the agreed
     HCP & consumer strategies for assigned brands
  3. Lead close co-work with sales & distribution partner(s) for effective field
     force activation
  4. Identify new business opportunities in OTC & consumer care fields and
     develop business cases / marketing strategies for new products
  5. Design and conduct primary market research to gain data and insights
     on the market and consumers
  6. Manage P&L of the assigned brands
  7. Closely work with advertising, PR, digital, medical education and market
     research agencies
  8. Review and craft claims for HCP & consumer space, and appropriate provide
     claim support where required for consumer communication
  9. Development of educational programs directed at HCP & consumer
  10. Reflect key insights, trends and best practice gleaned from HCP and
       consumers into the brand plan
  11. Cross functional working: contribute to the work of cross functional teams to  
       facilitate a cohesive approach


- Bachelor’s degree – business and communications are preferred
- Minimum 8+ years of marketing and communications experience preferred
- Minimum 3+ years in the pharmaceutical industry as a Product/Brand Manager 
- Work experience in FMCG industry is preferred
- Work experience in Women’s Healthcare field is preferred
- Goal-oriented & excellent in execution
- Ability to proactively work under the minimum guidance
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to engage internal and external stakeholders
- Good understanding of the market and customers dynamics
- Full knowledge of the compliance and industry codes
- Fluent both in Korean and English
- Analysis Ability, Embracing Changes, Consumer & Market insight,
  Strategic thinking, Customer-centric mindset

계약형태 ㆍ계약직 (6개월 계약직)
채용인원 ㆍ0명
근무지 여의도 본사
   * 회사의 업무 상황에 따라 변경 가능
서류전형-면접전형-연봉협상 및 최종승인-최종합격
접수기간 및
ㆍ접수기간 : 2021년 11월 30일 마감
ㆍ접수방법 : 사람인 즉시 지원 또는
      국문 또는 영문 이력서 이메일 지원
문의사항 ㆍ이메일 : Ana.Jo@alvogen.com
ㆍ전   화 : 02-2047-7702 (채용 담당자)
Designed by saramin

접수기간 및 방법


2021.11.24 00:00
2021.11.30 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.

코스피, 중견기업, 1000대기업, 외부감사..
완제 의약품 제조업
449 명 (2024년 기준)
1958년 1월 7일 (업력 67년차)
서울 서초구 서초대로 411, 5층
기업정보 전체보기

이어보는 Ai매치 채용정보

사람인 인공지능 기술 기반으로 맞춤 공고를 추천해드리는 사람인의 채용정보제공 서비스입니다.