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Senior Frontend Engineer · AI Platform

이 공고에 지원해 최종합격이 되시면
지원자님께 취업축하금 50만원을 드립니다. (점핏 공고 지원시, 20만원을 더 드립니다.)

핵심 정보

경력 6~15년
회사내규에 따름
서울 강남구, 서울전체

Jumpit에서 제공된 공고입니다.

최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.


Senior Frontend Engineer · AI Platform

서비스 소개

Lunit, a portmanteau of ‘Learning unit,’ is a medical AI software company devoted to providing AI-powered total cancer care. Our AI solutions help discover cancer and predict cancer treatment outcomes, achieving timely and individually-tailored cancer treatment.

[About the team]
Handling large images like Google Maps poses unique challenges for a frontend developer. How can you enable smooth, lag-free zooming and panning of gigantic files in real time? What about incorporating advanced annotations -akin to Adobe Photoshop - for medical research? Our Frontend Engineering team for the AI Platform tackles these complex capabilities daily.

Join us in refining the frontline interaction between human insights and algorithms - enabling aspiring AI to better perceive the world while making research intuitive.

[About the position]
Join us at Lunit and be part of our mission to revolutionize medical imaging with AI. We are looking for a frontend engineer who is passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and making a real impact in healthcare. Your work will directly contribute to our mission to Conquer Cancer through AI by improving Lunit’s AI model development platforms.

This role will collaborate with UI/UX designers to build an intuitive interface optimizing data, annotation, and image visualization. The goal is to visualize data, annotations, and big images rapidly so researchers can iterate AI models faster. Beyond pixels, you’ll craft elegant code synchronizing clinical data feeds, analytics, and more in reusable components.

Our frontend engineers bridge design and engineering, working alongside product managers and backend developers to manifest high-performance solutions from wireframes. Working towards our mission involves more than dazzling graphics, you’ll instill time-saving efficiency into the user experience to propel AI Platform ahead as a nexus for next-gen AI innovation.
이 포지션의 AI 예상 면접 질문이 궁금하다면 점핏에서 확인해보세요!

모집부문 / 상세내용

사용 기술
Jest JestCypress CypressNext.js Next.jsYarn YarnWebpack WebpackParcel ParcelHTML5 HTML5CSS 3 CSS 3JavaScript JavaScriptTypeScript TypeScript
*해당 공고는 영어 이력서 지원이 필수입니다. 국문 이력서로 지원해주시는 경우 불합격 안내드리고 있으니 이력서 확인 후 지원 부탁드립니다.

• Contribute to the development and maintenance of front-end features in our products.
• Work closely with designers and back-end engineers to create interactive and dynamic web interfaces.
• Implement end-to-end (E2E) testing strategies and enhance unit test coverage in TDD ways.
• Stay updated on the latest technologies and proactively share new technical insights.
• Support the Frontend Engineering Leadby evaluating and recommending optimal web technologies to boost development velocity.
• Mentor junior or intermediate frontend engineers for practical software craftsmanship and championing hands-on coding expertise.

[Tools Used]
• HTML, CSS, CSS-in-JS, Javascript, Typescript, Asynchronous programming, React.js, Next.js
• Package manager: npm, yarn
• Module Bundler: Webpack, Parcel
• Test automation tools: Jest, Cypress
• Container: docker, Kubernetes
• General: Slack, Confluence, Jira, Git
• 6+ years of professional experience in Frontend Development
• Strong proficiency in English
• Bachelor’s degree in computer science, (software) engineering or a related field or proven practical experience.
• Proven frontend-related experience and familiar with Typescript, React.js and its ecosystem.
• Familiarity with Git flow and Git version control tools, with experience in API integration
• Experience in Next.js, Vercel, responsive web design (RWD)
• Knowledge of computer graphics like canvas, webGL
• Strong sense of responsibility, stability, and independent thinking with the ability to collaborate effectively with team members
• Participation in user experience (UX/UI) interface design planning
• Strong teamwork skills to ensure project requirements and goals are met
• Strong understanding of UI/UX principles and best practices
• Continuous Learning for staying up-to-date with the latest frontend technologies, best practices, and industry trends.
• Proficiency in JavaScript-based tools more over 6+ years for debugging, Testing, Packaging managers like npm, or yarn, Module Bundlers like Webpack, Parcel
• Knowledge of docker or container service
• Knowledge of CSS Frameworks like Material UI, and related tools
• Knowledge or experience in backend development
• Good Korean communication
• Experience in sharing frontend technical knowledge or writing technical articles
마감일 및 근무지
• 마감일 : ~2024-07-31
• 근무지
- 서울특별시 강남구 강남대로 374, 5층(역삼동, 케이스퀘어 강남2)

복지 및 혜택

• The new office is one minute away by foot from Gangnam Station Exit 3 making it very convenient
• Up to 12, 000 won is covered for both lunch and dinner when working at the office
• Up to 300,000 won is covered upon joining to decorate your personal workspace
• Provide the latest computer models, such as Macs and 4K monitors, and renew them every three years
• Attending seminars and purchasing books are covered
• Regular in-house AI and medical seminars are held
• Korean language education is provided for Lunitians who do not speak Korean as their first language
• Access high-quality AI learning resources & deep learning DevOps system
• Up to 1.2 million won worth of benefits points can be claimed annually
• Korean National holiday gift: Seollal and Chuseok gift/voucher
• Annual medical checkups and employee accident insurance are provided
• Financial support for participation in employee gatherings (once a month)

채용절차 및 기타 지원 유의사항

[How to Apply]
• CV (resume, free format, in English)

[Hiring Process]
• Document Screening →Introductory Interview → Assignment → Competency interview (Technical + Behaviour)→ Culture-fit Interview → Onboarding
  • All interviews are conducted in English.
  • After the final interview, we may proceed with reference checks if needed.

[Work Conditions and Environment]
• Work type: full-time
• Work location : Lunit HQ(5F, 374, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
• Salary: after negotiation

• If you misrepresent your experience or education or provide false or fraudulent information in or with your application, it may be grounds for cancellation of the employment.
• Lunit is committed in providing the preferential processing to those eligible for employment protection (national merits and people with disabilities) relevant to related laws and regulations.

접수기간 및 방법

남은 기간 00 00:00:00
2024.05.13 00:00
2024.07.31 23:59
점핏에서 지원

마감일은 기업의 사정, 조기마감 등으로 변경될 수 있습니다.


코스닥, 중소기업, 스타트업, 외국인 투..
서울 강남구 강남대로 374, 4층, 5층, 6층, 7층, 8층, 9층 (역삼동,케이스퀘어 강남2)
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