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[벤츠코리아] Customer Master Data

핵심 정보

경력 3~5년
대졸(4년제) 이상
면접 후 결정
서울 중구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.

본 채용정보는 마감되었습니다.

(주)더라이징스타헤딩에서 채용공고가 시작되면 이메일로 알려드립니다.


Job Description

세상을 바꾸는 이직 플랫폼, 헤딩 HEDING
인사담당자님, 경력 인증된 지원자를 헤딩으로 한번에 관리해보세요!
✅기업 인사팀이 선호하는 서류합격 프리패스 헤딩이력서
✅4대보험 불러오기로 누구보다 빠르게 이력서 완성
✅헤드헌터와 인사팀이 역제안하는 고퀄리티 포지션

[About Mercedes-Benz]
Mercedes-Benz invented the car over 130 years ago and has been passionate about shaping the future of mobility ever since. “The best or nothing” is the slogan of our company and it represents what Mercedes-Benz stands for. To delight our customers with fascinating products and to always stay ahead of competition, we promise to deliver “the best or nothing” through everything we do.


1.Data Analysis and Science
 •Develop and execute data cleansing and validation processes to maintainthe accuracy and integrity of customer data with vehicle information.
 •Manage the structure andschema of customer related to vehicle/CRM DB, making necessary modifications or upgrades asneeded.
 •Define and monitor data quality metrics to identify and data quality issues effectively.
 •Gather user requirements and enhance report and dashboard to improve data input from dataperspective view
 •Business analysis from a data perspective to increase work efficiency and proposedata insight to Business unit based on vehicle 360 degree
 •Analyze and get the result of store productfor trend and insight of usage related to application

2. Management and Validation the Data
 • Identify and correct data input errors, remove duplicates, and ensure data consistency to maintainthe data quality.
 • Manage and monitor the data flow to prevent to data loss
 • Check the validation to all the data related to CS/Sales & Marketing business and monitor throughthe PowerBI and data lake

3. Digital Touchpoint Integration
• Propose required data and structure for analysis with enhancement or development to Fron-End
• Simplify to Data structure for analysis and manage the effectiveness with data set
• Planning to customer authentication process from data perspective
• Support for development to customer's 360 degree through CMS (Privacy center)
• Support for part of simplification to registration and login process

4. Business Partner alignment and communication
• Enhancement to data flow and alignment with relevant teams in CS/S&M.
• Ensure that data quality is improved, in cost and in time, based on HQ's regulation and aligned withrespective HQ team
• Communicate all issues, resolution, directions with stakeholders, including project team meetingsand steering committee, etc.
• Ensure that all the data related to CS/S&M are implemented and operated in accordance with CRMdirections

Job Requirements

4 year university graduate
Bachelor’s degree in business administration/automotive related majors preferred

3 ~ 5 years of experience in CRM processes and tools, preferably in auto or luxury retail industry
Salesforce (Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud) and SQL, DBMS, PowerBI knowledge preferred

[Specific knowledge]
Strong operational skill with attention to details
Good at playing with numbers and statistics with strong OA(Powerpoint, Excel, workd) skill
Excellent communitation skill both Korean and English (verbal, written and presentation)

1. Applications are open to individuals without disqualifying factors for overseas travel. (For males,completion of military service or exemption is required.)
2. Preferential treatment will be given to individuals eligible for employment protection (e.g., warveterans, persons with disabilities) in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
3. If discrepancies or false documents are found during the application and selection process, thehiring may be revoked.
4. Mercedes-Benz Korea conducts the hiring process in compliance with Article 7 of the GenderEquality in Employment Act.

[제출 서류] 
- 영문이력서 (필수)
- 국문이력서 (선택)

- 상위급, 하기 링크 참조

[문의처 및 지원]
담당자 : 김희연 매니저
이메일 : hykim@heding.co.kr
카카오톡 : https://open.kakao.com/o/sKedIDXf 

[지원 방법]
헤딩 홈페이지 > 헤딩 이력서 불러오기  > 공고에 지원하기 > 지원완료

- 제출한 채용 서류는 반환 요청을 할 수 있으며, 반환 요청에 대한 방법 및 제출서류는 아래 링크를 참고하시기 바랍니다. 단, 홈페이지나 이메일로 제출된 채용서류는 반환의무에서 제외됩니다.
▶ https://bit.ly/3DUQbOi

접수기간 및 방법


2024.06.26 15:00
2024.07.11 23:59

관심기업 설정 후 다음 채용시 지원해 보세요.

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24 명 (2024년 기준)
2016년 7월 29일 (업력 9년차)
44억 8,223만원 (2023년 기준)
서울 강남구 논현로 340, 402호
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