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29. Retail Training Manager [유명 외국계 명품사]

오늘 마감

핵심 정보

경력 7년 ↑
면접 후 결정
서울 강남구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.


29. Retail Training Manager
[유명 외국계 명품사]
베스트 네트워크(주)

베스트 네트워크는 1999년에 설립된 회사로 중견기업입니다. 서울 강남구 언주로30길 13 (도곡동, 대림아크로빌)에 위치하고 있으며, 헤드헌팅, 인재추천사업을 하고 있습니다.

[모집분야] Retail Training Manager


As a Retail Training Manager, you will work closely with a range of departments, including Merchandising and Marketing. You will be responsible for the modification, delivery and measurement of training programs focused on brand, product knowledge, selling & service to support business, assisting manager to collect feedbacks from retail via frequent on-site coaching and observation.

- Design, develop and conduct training programs relating to brand knowledge, collections, selling ceremony etc to frontline and office staff
- Inspire, motivate, train the field sales force via in-store and digital coaching, especially on areas of selling skills & product knowledge and selling ceremonies for retail excellence goal across APAC
- Deliver effective in-person training and establish close relationships with retail department in order to assess ongoing training needs
- Conduct induction with new joiners and work with Store Managers to ensure smooth onboarding journey
- Delivery of training programs with local adaptation to meet the unique needs from retail, not limit to new store openings, product knowledge, CRM, selling skills training, local & regional workshops
- Conduct follow-ups post training with participants to ensure effectiveness of the program and closely communicate with in-store trainers to monitor performance and collect feedbacks
- Conduct in store coaching to Retail team to ensure high standards of customer service and knowledge to support them to meet their objectives
- Identify training needs of the local market to prepare training plan according to the employees’ needs to support their development to achieve identified goals
- Work closely with APAC regional office in the preparation and monitoring of the Training budget to ensure necessary resources available for implementation of training initiatives & programs
- Select and manage external training suppliers to carry out defined training programs where necessary
- Support the planning of staff engagement programs


- At least 7 years of experience in retail or hospitality environment, preferably in luxury
- Open, communicative personality
- Holistic business mindset
- Great presentation and public speaking as well as interpersonal skills
- Candidates who are Certified Trainers will be advantageous
- Experience in facilitating both technical and soft skill training
- Client centric attitude, problem solving, flexibility, empathy, energy
- Self-motivated and takes initiative
- Strong MS Office skills (especially Excel & PowerPoint)
- Fluent in Korean & English

영문 이력서를 best29@bestnetwork.net | eagle@bestnetwork.net 양쪽으로 송부해 주시기를 바랍니다.

함께하기 위한 방법

  • 접수기간 : 2024년 07월 11일 (목)09시 00분 ~ 2024년 07월 12일 (금) 23시 59분
  • 접수방법 : 사람인 입사지원
  • 이력서양식 : 사람인 이력서 양식

함께하기 위한 여정

  • 서류전형
  • 1차면접
  • 최종합격

접수기간 및 방법

남은 기간 00 00:00:00
2024.07.11 09:00
2024.07.12 23:59
사람인 이력서 양식
최호식 대표

마감일은 기업의 사정, 조기마감 등으로 변경될 수 있습니다.

중소기업, 주식회사
경영 컨설팅업
1999년 6월 28일 (업력 26년차)
서울 강남구 언주로30길 13, 1806호
* 항목은 기업이 직접 기재하였으며, 본사/지점 등의 정보는 다르게 관리될 수 있습니다.
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