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[존슨앤드존슨 비전케어] Marketing Director

채용시 마감

핵심 정보

경력 15년 ↑
대졸(4년제) 이상
정규직 수습기간 3개월
면접 후 결정
서울 용산구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.


At Johnson & Johnson, we believe health is everything. Our strength in healthcare innovation empowers us to build a world where complex diseases are prevented, treated, and cured, where treatments are smarter and less invasive, and solutions are personal. Through our expertise in pharmaceutical, medical devices and diagnostics markets, we are uniquely positioned to innovate across the full spectrum of healthcare solutions today to deliver the breakthroughs of tomorrow, and profoundly impact health for humanity. Learn more at https://www.jnj.com/ .


  1.  포지션: Marketing Director, Vision Care Korea
  2.  계열사: 존슨앤드존슨 비전케어 (Vision Care)
  3.  근무지: 서울시 용산구
  4.  근무 형태: Regular




Since debuting the world’s first disposable soft contact lens in 1987, J&J Vision Care has been helping patients to see better through ACUVUE® soft contact lenses. Serving more than 60 million patients a day across 103 countries with its eye health portfolio, ACUVUE® is the worldwide leader and #1 contact lens category leader in Korea.  Marketing Director, Vision Care Korea, has a key strategic leadership role within the Vision Care Korea Leadership Team (KLT) and organization, serving as the brand steward for the ACUVUE® brand in Korea.

Marketing Director sets brand strategy strengthens brand equity and builds assets and capabilities that leverage the size, scale, and synergies of the ACUVUE® portfolio.  As the steward of the ACUVUE® brand in Korea, Marketing Director is responsible for building brand connections with consumers, patients, eye care professionals and channel customers.  Additionally, Marketing Director is responsible and accountable for the overall Johnson & Johnson Vision Care equity, elevating our role in the overall eye healthcare in Korea.




- Direct critical processes related to marketing plans, portfolio management and development, market  research, new product launches, campaign development, marketing/portfolio performance tracking, and multi-channel marketing.

- Accountable for MTM (metrics that matter) – acquisition, activation, and retention – from precision /performance marketing, digital, social and CRM, and content development across all consumer/patient and professional touchpoints.

- Deliver an integrated, end-to-end ACUVUE® Experience that is consumer/patient and customer-centric which drives category growth, increases penetration and delivers sustainable competitive advantage

- Achieve business plan objectives of sales, market share, net income, gross profit, inventory and price on an annual basis. Manage expenses within budget. Increase company’s leadership position in the market.

- Partner closely with Sales and Commercial Operations & Strategy (COS) teams to gather input on customer needs and ensure strong alignment on marketing and commercial plans.

- Responsible for leading monthly sell-out building block planning meetings and marketing section of quarterly Sales conferences (POA).   Ensure frequent and efficient communications with Sales, COS and PED teams regarding company strategies, product launches and other key initiatives.

- Work closely with GM and Finance to develop and execute effective business plan focused on driving sales and market share growth and profitability. Deliver results through cross-functional collaborations with key business partners, including field sales organization and other key regional and global stakeholders.

- Expected to demonstrate commanding marketing-thought leadership and build strategic partnerships with agencies and local, regional cross-functional teams to drive strategy, precision and data analytics and innovation for execution excellence.

- Marketing Director of Vision Care Korea is responsible for staying ahead of the industry trends and for bringing innovative ways of working, new tools and marketing plans to drive new thinking across the marketing organization.

- Other responsibilities include fostering high-performance, talent development and building marketing competency in Korea Marketing team by driving Marketing Excellence training and development programs and curriculums.

- Perform other related duties as assigned by GM and management.




- Bachelor’s degrees or above.

- Minimum of 15 years of progressive marketing experience in consumer, consumer healthcare, and/or medical devices. A minimum 7 years of CPG marketing experience is required.  Experience in Trade Marketing and/or Sales is a plus.

- A proven track record of marketing leadership including consumer and professional marketing, social and digital marketing, brand equity building, data analytics, insights generation and agency management is required.

- Demonstrated ability to influence cross-functional and senior management to impact decision-making is required.

- Outstanding and clear communication skills; ability to think strategically and analytically to understand complex or ambiguous problems or issues and articulate solutions/recommendations clearly and concisely.

- Strong project management skills and outstanding goal setting/delivering specific, measurable objectives, strategies and measures (OGSM)

- Agile and able to adapt across range of situations, strong change management capabilities

- Strategic business partnership: cross-functional leadership, understanding of organizational dynamics, impact and influencing skills

- Proactive, positive & innovative mind.  Good inter-personal relationship.

- Business and financial acumen

- Fluent English communication (Writing & Oral) ability



[지원 방법]
접속 -> Position Number 2406191603W 검색 -> 해당 모집 공고의 “Apply Now” 클릭 온라인 지원 프로세스 진행

제출 서류]

영문 자유 양식의 이력서/자기소개서


[서류 마감일
채용시 마감



- 국가 보훈 대상자 장애인은 관련 서류 제출 관계 법령에 의거하여 우대합니다.

- 서류 전형 합격자에 한하여 개별 통보합니다회사 사정에 따라 지연될  있습니다

- 입사 지원 서류에 허위 사실이 발견될 경우, 채용 확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 있으며 향후 채용이 제한됩니다.

- 제출된 서류는 반환되지 않으며, 별도 요청 삭제합니다.



건강검진, 의료비지원(본인), 각종 경조사 지원, 의료비지원(가족), 헬스비 지급, 자...
퇴직연금, 장기근속자 포상, 성과급, 가족수당, 4대 보험
사내동호회 운영
연차, 경조휴가제, 휴가비지원, 육아휴직, 남성출산휴가


(04386) 서울 용산구 한강대로 92 LS용산타워 서울 4호선 신용산역에서 200m 이내

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접수기간 및 방법

채용시 마감되는

2024.07.05 13:00
홈페이지 지원

인사담당자는 빠른 입사지원을 선호합니다.

대기업, 1000대기업, 외국인 투자기업, ..
화장품 제조업
1983년 5월 28일 (업력 42년차)
219억 6,826만원 (2023년 기준)
서울 용산구 한강대로 92
* 항목은 기업이 직접 기재하였으며, 본사/지점 등의 정보는 다르게 관리될 수 있습니다.
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