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mo[중소/글로벌/실리콘밸리/AI/광고플랫폼]7데이타 사이언티스트


핵심 정보

경력 3~20년
대졸(4년제) 이상
면접 후 결정
서울 강남구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.


mo[중소/글로벌/실리콘밸리/AI/광고플랫폼]7데이타 사이언티스트

모집부문 및 상세내용

공통 자격요건
ㆍ학력 : 대졸 이상 (4년)
5. 데이타 사이언티스트(Ads Performance)
ㆍ경력 : 경력 3년 ~ 20년

업무내용[ The Impact You'll Be Contributing to Company ]
Product Data Science (PDS) is the global team of data scientists whose mission is to provide data-driven insights to improve decision-making and design, resulting in best-in-class Demand Side Platform (DSP) products and services. As a senior data scientist in PDS, you will derive performance improvement and cost efficiency in our product through a deep understanding of the ML and infra system and provide a data-driven insight and scientific solution.

[ The Opportunity ]
• Data Analysis and Research: analyzing a large dataset with queries and scripts, extracting valuable signals from noise, and producing actionable insights into how we could complete and improve 
 Company  complex ML and bidding system.

• Simulation and Modeling: validating and quantifying the efficiency and performance gain from hypotheses through rigorous simulation and modeling.
• Experimentation and Causal Inference: developing a robust experiment design and metric framework and providing reliable and unbiased insights for product and business decision-making.



• Bachelor’s degree in a quantitative discipline (e.g., Statistics, Operations Research, Bioinformatics, Economics, Computational Biology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering).
• 3+ years of work experience in data science-related fields or an advanced degree such as a Master’s or Ph.D. in a quantitative discipline with 2+ years of experience
• Distinctive problem-solving skills, good at articulating product questions, pulling data from large datasets, and using statistics to arrive at a recommendation.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to present information and analyze results effectively.
• Ability to build positive relationships within DSA and with our stakeholders and work effectively with cross-functional partners in a global company.
• Statistics: must have strong knowledge and experience in experimental design, hypothesis testing, and various statistical analysis techniques such as regression or linear models.
• Machine Learning: must have a deep understanding of ML algorithms (i.e., deep learning, random forest, gradient boosted trees, k-means clustering, etc.) and their development, validation, and evaluation.
• Programming: experience with Python, R, or other scripting languages, and database language (e.g., SQL) or data manipulation (e.g., Pandas, Dplyr) are required.



• Advanced degree such as Master’s or PhD in a quantitative discipline.
• Ability to manage multiple projects at the same time while paying attention to detail and translating analysis results into business recommendations.
• Proven ability to own projects end-to-end, even when you have to get creative: you do more than complete delegated tasks.
• Demonstrated leadership and self-direction. Willingness to both teach others and learn new techniques.


경력 연수 3 이상 ~ 20 미만

인재직무 키워드 1순위 : 데이터사이언티스트 2순위 : 데이터분석 3순위 : 확률통계

필요 외국어 영어

최종학력 학사이상

근무지 서울 강남구 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 231 )

출근 유연제 있음

연봉 상한선 2억원 이하

스톡옵션여부 있음

인성검사 없음

별도테스트 있음

이력서 검토시기 수시검토


근무지역:(06142) 서울 강남구 테헤란로 231(역삼동) - 서울 2호선 역삼 에서 500m 이내


  1. 서류전형
  2. 1차면접
  3. 최종합격

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간:2024년 7월 16일 (화) 19시 ~ 2024년 7월 31일 (수) 24시
접수방법:사람인 입사지원
이력서양식:사람인 온라인 이력서


ㆍ입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.


(06142) 서울 강남구 테헤란로 231 서울 2호선 역삼역에서 500m 이내

지도 보기

접수기간 및 방법

남은 기간 00 00:00:00
2024.07.16 19:00
2024.07.31 23:59
사람인 이력서 양식
김희대 대표

마감일은 기업의 사정, 조기마감 등으로 변경될 수 있습니다.

서울 강남구 테헤란로1길 28-11
기업정보 전체보기

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