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[세종/화성] Chemist (GC/분석기)


핵심 정보

경력 2~10년
대졸(4년제) 이상
정규직 수습기간 3개월
면접 후 결정
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.


[세종/화성] Chemist (GC/분석기)

모집부문 및 상세내용

공통 자격요건
ㆍ학력 : 대졸 이상 (4년)
Chemist (GC/분석기) 0명

Job Summary

Analytical Chemist will perform/manage all aspects of metrology for the APAC sites as well as provide technical insights, leadership, and project management for capital projects.

How will you Contribute and Grow?

  • - In a fast paced environment, this position is the Subject Matter Expert responsible for Metrology Capability Analysis (MCA) program to ensure long-term stability at new and existing sites.
  • - Plan, manage, direct and perform MCA studies including instrument detection limit, method detection limit,
    accuracy, linearity, tool matching and GR&R making sure they are timely completed.
  • - Develop best known methods to characterize emerging semiconductor precursors for qualitative and quantitative
    analysis of impurities and assay.
  • -Utilize advanced problem solving techniques and expert knowledge to investigate, identify, eliminate and prevent
    quality excursions.
  • - Perform statistical analysis in JMP, Minitab and other softwares of experimental data and derive conclusions for business decisions.
  • - Audit domestic and global ALAM laboratories by following the ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 requirements.
  • - Ensure standard operating procedures (SOP) for analytical instrumentation are documented, accurate, and revised as needed.
  • - Ensure procurement of analytical instrumentation is appropriate and via technical specification.
  • - Ensure in conjunction with Quality Assurance that analytical instrumentation and methods used for qualification of
    product for customers has been qualified prior to use.
  • - Ensure calibration and where appropriate long term stability standards are in place for analytical methods used in
    qualification of product.
  • - Qualify and maintain all QC lab metrology.
  • - Initiate LTS control limit changes and perform the necessary action items as needed.
  • - Write Preliminary and Final White Papers, and provide data to Quality Assurance for processing and review.
  • - Manage equipment/instrument calibrations, performance verifications.
  • - Expected to travel to sites as business needs dictate. Travel could be 25 to 50% during the project commissioning
    phase and based on the scale and location of the project.

  • Are you a MATCH? 
  • - Bachelor's degree in chemistry or higher
  • - 2+ years working in a laboratory environment with accomplishment in method development and GC maintenance
  • -Expertise in the development of methods on various analytical instruments
  • - Language: Business level in English and Korean
  • - Considerable experience and expertise in the analysis of samples in a specific laboratory setting.
  • - Knowledge of analytical techniques used for characterization of trace impurities in chemicals.
  • - Experience with GC and other on line analyzer equipment and sampling systems.


근무지역:(30003) 세종 전의면 산단길 21-171경기 화성시 장안면 금의리 761-4


  1. 서류전형
  2. 전화면접
  3. 1차면접
  4. 2차면접
  5. 최종면접
  6. 급여 책정
  7. 근로계약서 서명
  8. 최종합격

접수기간 및 방법

2024년 7월 22일 (월) 15시 ~ 2024년 8월 21일 (수) 24시
접수방법:홈페이지 지원
이력서양식:영문 이력서


  • 「국가보훈 기본법」 제3조제2호에 따른 국가보훈대상자로서 국가보훈관계 법률에 따른 취업지원대상자는 관련법률에 의거하여 우대

    • 해외여행 결격사유가 없는자

    • 외국인의 경우 대한민국 내 취업활동을 할 수 있는 체류자격을 보유한 자 

    • 지원서의 기재사항이 사실과 다른 것으로 확인되거나 채용상의 결격사유가 확인될 경우 합격 또는 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.


(30003) 세종 전의면 산단길 21-171

지도 보기

접수기간 및 방법

남은 기간 00 00:00:00
2024.07.22 15:00
2024.08.21 23:59
홈페이지 지원

마감일은 기업의 사정, 조기마감 등으로 변경될 수 있습니다.

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