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[NIKKISO CE&IG]AMS Operations Manager 채용

채용시 마감

핵심 정보

경력 10년 ↑
대졸(4년제) 이상
정규직 수습기간 6개월
면접 후 결정
주 5일(월~금) 09:00~18:00
부산 강서구
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.


Job Title: Aftermarket Service Operations Manager

Department: AMS

Position Summary:

The Operations Manager is responsible for overseeing and management of all aspects of workshop and field service operations within our regional organization. This individual will lead a team of workshop engineers, field technicians and field service planners, to ensure the successful execution of service projects, while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. The Operations Manager will collaborate closely with other departments to optimize processes, improve efficiency, and drive profitability.


Essential functions & Responsibilities:


1. Leadership and Team Management

  • - Lead, mentor and coach a team of workshop engineers, field technicians, promoting a positive and collaborative work environment.
  • Set performance objectives, conduct performance evaluations, and provide constructive feedback to drive continuous improvement.
  • - Develop and implement training programs to enhance technical skills and ensure adherence to company policies and procedures.
  • Foster a positive and collaborative team environment, encouraging open communication and teamwork.

2. Operational Management

  • - Oversee development and maintenance of workshop and field service schedules and allocation of resources appropriately to meet service demands while optimizing efficiency.
  • - Monitor the status and progress of service projects, ensuring timely completion and accurate documentation of all service activities.
  • Develop and manage the regional workshop and field service budget, ensuring cost-effective operations.

3. Safety and compliance:

  • - Champion safety as a top priority, including conducting safety training and ensuring compliance with all safety policies.
  • - Develop and communicate specific safety policies and procedures relevant to field service.

4. Training and Performance Management:

  • - Oversee training and development to enhance team skills and performance.
  • - Conduct regular coaching sessions and performance reviews.
  • - Develop and deliver internal training programs.

5. Process Improvement

  • - Implement process for accurate maintenance and submittal of documentation of workshop and field activities, such as service records, inspection reports, and job documentation.
  • - Identify areas for improvement within the workshop and field service operations, including processes, procedures, tools, and technologies.
  • - Implement strategies to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and reduce costs while maintaining high-quality service delivery.
  • - Regularly review and analyze service metrics, generate insightful reports, and implement corrective actions when necessary.


Requirements & Skills:

  • - Degree in technical discipline preferred.
  • - At least 10 years of leading workshop and field service operations in a similar industry or related field.
  • - Experience in managing budgets, resources, and project timelines.
  • - Previous exposure to and knowledge of rotating equipment working within an industrial environment.
  • - Customer Focus: Possess strong customer service orientation with knowledge of customer service principles and the ability to implement these to ensure customer satisfaction. Strong commitment to understanding customer field service needs and providing excellent service.

지원방법: 홈페이지 지원 (krwcareers-nikkiso.icims.com)

  • 제출서류
    자사양식의 국문이력서와 자유양식의 영문이력서 각 1부 (PDF 형식의 파일)

    경력자의 경우 경력증명서(고용보험가입이력내역서)
    최종 학력 졸업증명서 (신입의 경우 성적증명서)

    자격증 사본


건강검진, 각종 경조사 지원, 통신비 지원, 선택적복리후생, 자녀학자금
상여금, 퇴직금, 성과급, 4대 보험
명절선물/귀향비, 생일선물/파티, 웰컴키트 지급
워크샵, 신규 입사자 교육(OJT), 외국어 교육 지원, 교육비 지원, 점심식사 제공, 간...
근무 환경
휴게실, 회의실, 카페테리아, 전용 사옥, 비상경보장치, 유니폼지급, 노트북, 사원...
회식강요 안함, 자유복장, 자유로운 연차사용
주 52시간제 준수, 주 40시간제 시행
연차, 반차, Refresh휴가, 창립일휴무, 근로자의 날 휴무, 패밀리데이


(46752) 부산 강서구 녹산산업중로 83

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채용시 마감되는

2024.07.22 15:00
홈페이지 지원
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중소기업, 외국인 투자기업, 외부감사법..
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100 명 (2023년 기준)
2004년 4월 13일 (업력 21년차)
650억 9,508만원 (2023년 기준)
부산 강서구 녹산산업중로 83
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