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[NOVA] Sr. Field Service Engineer 채용 - CMD 부서

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대졸(4년제) 이상
정규직 수습기간 3개월
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경기 화성시
최저임금계산에 대한 알림 하단에 명시된 급여, 근무 내용 등이 최저임금에 미달하는 경우 위 내용이 우선합니다.


[NOVA] Sr. Field Service Engineer 채용 - CMD 부서

모집부문 및 상세내용

ㆍ경기도 화성시
Sr. Field Service EngineerCMD Service Team 0명

Nova is looking for a Chemical Metrology Division (CMD) Sr. Field Service engineer.


 The CMD department at Nova is looking for a Sr. Field Service Engineer to support our business and drive its growth.

As a Sr. Field Service Engineer, you will play a pivotal role in CMD Team, contributing to the overall success of NOVA CMD. This position offers an exciting opportunity for individuals who are passionate about Semiconductor packaging and are eager to make a meaningful impact through managing of CMD tools and customers.

In this job you will have the opportunity to grow into a senior engineer in the Semiconductor industry.

Role :

 Managing the day-to-day activities of the tools and customers.

 Trying to achieve organizational goals.

 Developing and implementing a timeline to achieve targets.

 Install and operate CMD systems and perform annual PM/BM operations.

   - Provide diagnosis of complex issue and perform correct troubleshooting tasks.

   - Provide diagnosis of data issue and perform correct troubleshooting tasks.

   - Provide correct diagnosis for issue to manager during system down and communicate.

   - Conducting of customer service and communicate with Team Leader.

   - Conducting of customer training services.

 Other tasks deemed necessary by the Management.

Responsibilities :

ㆍ Interpersonal skills and team spirit : Leadership and Open-Minded Collaboration

 A strong "team player" and excellent interpersonal skills

Ability to work cooperatively in a team environment, and under demanding timelines.

Proactive with a hands-on approach and positive attitude

Creates a positive working environment.

 Technical orientation

 Excellent technical skills and systemic understanding

Ability to manage conflicts.
 Time Management – Resilience under Pressure

 Effective time management skills (meeting project deadlines and milestones)

Prioritized tasks based on strategic goals, resulting in increased team efficiency.

ㆍ Problem-Solving – Continuous Learning

 High troubleshooting and problem-solving skills

Excellent self-learning capabilities - always looking to deepen knowledge of existing systems, technologies, and products.

ㆍ Communication skills : Customer-Centric Focus

 Clear and effective oral and written Korean and English communication skills.

Ability to actively participate in meetings with brands, customers, and other external bodies.

Requirements :

ㆍEducation: Bachelor's or master’s in chemistry or relevant field.

ㆍExperience: 8+ years of Technical / Experience in Semi-conductor industry.

ㆍKnowledge: Understanding of semiconductor tech and chemical analysis experience.

ㆍFlexibility: Flexible response to company's various needs

ㆍLanguage: Proficient in English, both written and verbal.

Advantage :

 ㆍPreferred for minimum 6 years of experience in semiconductor field or chemical analysis.

ㆍA wealth of knowledge in chemistry analyzer and advantage to lead the team members.

ㆍFluent English – an advantage to solve or collaborate with HQ.

ㆍPrevious experience in the Semiconductor industry – an advantage of new technology learning


근무지역:(18468) 경기 화성시 동탄대로23길 93 아너스카이 4층 노바코리아(영천동)


  1. 서류전형
  2. 면접전형
  3. 레퍼런스 체크
  4. 최종합격

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간:2024년 7월 26일 (금) 11시 ~ 2024년 9월 24일 (화) 24시
접수방법:사람인 입사지원
제출서류:영문이력서 - 미제출시 서류 심사 불가


ㆍ입사지원 서류에 허위사실이 발견될 경우, 채용확정 이후라도 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.


(18468) 경기 화성시 동탄대로23길 93 아너스카이 4층 노바코리아

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접수기간 및 방법

남은 기간 00 00:00:00
2024.07.26 11:00
2024.09.24 23:59

영문이력서 - 미제출시 서류 심사 불가

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